Joomla Extensions

Last Visited Links Menu

Last Visited Links Menu is a Joomla! plugin from to automatically display a number of last visited links by a Joomla administrator. The default number of links is 15 but you can change it in plugin parameters. 

  • Links are added in Joomla Admin Navigation menu
  • By look and feel, it looks like a Joomla native feature
  • Standard version is freeNo complex settings are required
  • Just install and it works out of the box.

Read more: Last Visited Links Menu

Joomla Admin from Front-end

Joomla! admin from front end is a Joomla plugin that brings your administration back-end in an easy to use overlay in front-end. What you need to do is as follows:

  • Download the plugin and install
  • Logout from Joomla Back-end
  • Login to Joomla Front-end as Admin or Super Admin
  • Move mouse to top right corner in front-end of your website. Voila! You see your Joomla admin in front-end.

Read more: Joomla Admin from Front-end

Heartbeat for Google Analytics

Just £ 29 - Buy Now

Heartbeat for Google Analytics is a Joomla plugin to give you a correct image of Bounce Rate and Visitors' time spent on your website.

Many SEO experts believe that a high bounce rate is a killer for your Google Search Rankings. Do you see a high bounce rate in your Google Analytics?

High Bounce Rate in Google Analytics

This can happen because of a very simple reason. Google Analytics calculates the Time On Site based on the length of time between a user entering your site and their last page view. This won't give you the REAL Time on Site and Bounce Rate stats.

Worst case scenario

Read more: Heartbeat for Google Analytics

PreLoader for Joomla

Here comes the new responsive Preloader extension for Joomla. This plugin displays beautiful animations while your page is loading. Works well on computer and mobile devices including tablets. 

Responsive Pre-loader Plugin - See Demo

UPDATE: Many new logo animations added. See below:


  • Increase conversion rate by engaging users while they wait for your website loading.
  • Lightweight. Loads quickly.
  • Your website looks good even before loading.

How to use?

  • Install the extension and see. It works out of the box.

Read more: PreLoader for Joomla

Hosting Performance Checker

Is your host giving enough power to your website? 

Is page creation on your server fast enough?

Is your host network connections are fast and reliable to deliver your website data to your visitors?

Why this plugin?

This plugin provides an easier way to quickly judge the performance of your web hosting company. And to keep an eye on that. With easy to use data display supported by responsive charts makes it the need of every website.

Read more: Hosting Performance Checker

Security Watch Extension for Joomla

Is your website under attack? See Live.

This extension watches for requests coming to your website and tries to identify the bad ones. The best of all is that you can see them live. You can also see which unwanted and potentially bad bots are visiting your website.

Why Stopping Bad Bots?

Bad bots may consume valuable bandwidth and processing power of your web server. The result of high bot visits may slow down your legitimate users.

Verifying Good Bots

Many people assume that if a requesting visitor says that it is a GoogleBot in it's useragent string, it is good. Unfortunately, this is not true. Useragent string can easily be spoofed by bad bots.

Read more: Security Watch Extension for Joomla

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