We Make Joomla Extensions

Easy Popup Maker
Joomla Admin from Frontend
Hosting Performance Checker

What we do


Security and Intruder Detection
Object Detection and Classification

What we do

We Do Custom Jobs

We love to do complex integrations

What we do

What we Do We do AI Projects, Joomla extensions and other custom projects

PreLoader for Joomla

Here comes the new responsive Preloader extension for Joomla. This plugin displays beautiful animations while your page is loading. Works well on computer and mobile devices including tablets.  Responsive Pre-loader Plugin - See...

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Create Responsive Popups for Joomla

Create Responsive Popups for Joomla

EV Easy Modal is a Joomla extension that allows easy and quick creation of beautiful modal popups. No need to learn difficult javascript and JQuery libraries. Simple and Effective. UPDATE -...

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Last Visited Links Menu

Last Visited Links Menu is a Joomla! plugin from EverLive.net to automatically display a number of last visited links by a Joomla administrator. The default number of links is 15...

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Undo After Save - for Joomla

This plugin solves a usability issue in Joomla backend. While you are editing Joomla articles in backend, when you click save, the pages gets reloaded. Now, you cannot use Ctrl-Z...

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Do I need to install a Joomla plugin to use your free online automatic backup service for my website? Or let me know if there is a free 3rd party Joomla plugin available for that?



No. The beauty of our online backup service is that you do not need to install any Joomla plugin on your website. Just signup and enter your website details including ftp information. Our online backup system will automatically install backup agent files to your website and take a backup either manually when you want or automatically on defined intervals. Automatic Backup for Joomla website is very easy and simple with our online backup system.

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